June 27, 2024

Bill Woods & Chase

Hi, everyone. My name is Bill, and this is my Little Brother Chase. I can’t quite remember when I first heard about BBBS, but it is an organization that I have always known about. About 4 years ago, I knew I wanted to impact the life of a child, and I decided to get matched as a Big Brother. Chase was hoping to be matched to get out of the house for a few hours and enjoy some new experiences.

Chase and I enjoy doing a variety of activities together such as bike rides, building Harry Potter Lego sets, and attending BBBS activities. We have also explored a lot of Special Olympics events. Chase’s favorite is basketball. We recently attended the ASPIRO talent show and enjoyed the Dance for Disabilities event last year. One particular memory that stands out was Chase conquering his fear of heights to go on the big Ferris Wheel. Seeing him overcome a fear was great. One of Chase’s particular favorite activities was our first bike ride together in Luxemburg. We have gone on lots of bike rides together, sometimes as long as 13 miles!

Being matched with Chase has impacted me in lots of positive ways, but the biggest is being far more aware of other in the community and looking for ways that I can help. I enjoy watching Chase grow up and become an even better person.