December 2018 Match of the Month Door County | Joy Hurley & Hannah

December 1, 2018

Each month, Big Brothers Big Sisters of Northeast Wisconsin shines a light on the relationships that we are helping build within our community. Please help us congratulate Big Sister Joy Hurley and her Little Sister Hannah of Sturgeon Bay — our Door County Match of the Month for December.


Where did you hear about Big Brothers Big Sisters?

Joy: Media and a local school district flyer looking for Bigs for Littles four years ago.

Why did you want to become involved?

J: To help someone who wanted a special friend. For that person and I to grow as people, to share my knowledge with a younger person and to learn a different perspective from my Little.

Why did you want to have a Big Sister?

Hannah: Because I wanted something to do in my free time and somebody else in my life.

What do you do when you spend time together?

J: We share a lot of thoughts with each other. We try new foods and visit interesting places. We also like to shop. I like to hear about what is going on with my Little in school and I share what is new for me too.

What is your favorite memory with your Big?

H: Every memory! I love spending time with my Big.

Is there something in particular that stands out as a memorable time with your Little?

J: The first time we met, neither of us know what to expect. As we got better acquainted, my Little shared that she felt awkward that day. We have both grown as our journey continues.

Is there something in the future that you would like to do together, or that you look forward to experiencing together?

J: We would like to go on a trip somewhere interesting.

Is there something you would like to do together in the future, and why?

H: I would love to go on a trip and stay at a motel with a pool!

What have you enjoyed about being a Big?

J: I enjoy sharing my hopes and dreams for my Little with her and the chance to see her grow into a successful and productive young woman. I enjoy helping her learn about morals, work ethics, courtesy, and just good manners.

In what way has being matched with your Little affected you and your life?

J: This is one of the most rewarding experiences of my life. Spending time with my Little has made me a greater person. Helping others is what life is about.

What is something that you learned from your Big?

H: I learned that she was a police department dispatcher.

How has being matched to a Big made a difference for you?

H: It was almost life changing. She does so much with me and we have the best time every time we do something together.

What would you say to others about Big Brothers Big Sisters and to others who are thinking about becoming a big?

J: Go for it! You’ll be so glad that you did.