MATCH OF THE MONTH | December 2020

January 8, 2021

Mindy & Mikayla

Big Sister Mindy Everard and her Little Sister Makayla are celebrating their 3 year match anniversary this December!
Matched in Big Brothers Big Sisters site-based program, Mindy has been meeting up with Makayla at her school over lunchtime on a weekly basis.
Mindy learned about Big Brothers Big Sisters at a Lunch ‘n Learn in her workplace and quickly decided this was a great way to help her community and be a positive influence for a child. Mindy says, “I look forward to our visits because I know it’s a chance for us to focus on our time together of talking and laughing.” Mindy shares that her time with Mikayla is positive for both of them. When she is having a bad or stressful day, she is able to set it aside and enjoy the time laughing and talking together. Mikayla has taught Mindy the importance of slowing down and enjoying the small moments.
Makayla says she loves spending time with Mindy. She shares that Mindy is a great person, easy to talk to and fun to joke around with. They enjoy doing activities and playing games together – specifically checkers because Makayla always beats Mindy!
Even with the challenges of COVID-19, Mindy continues to be a positive influence in Makayla’s life. Recently, their program specialist arranged a meetup for them downtown. They had lunch together and walked along the Fox River boardwalk. It was a real treat for the two of them to spend some time together again, and they look forward to all the adventures to come!