June 23, 2021

Mary Townsend & Destiny

Our match journey together started when Destiny was 8 years old… and what a journey it has been! As a young child,  she enjoyed going to the park playground, eating at Smart Cow Yogurt Bar, and coming to my house to do art projects or decorate cupcakes. As Destiny got older, we would go to the NEW Zoo or to movies. We both liked to attend the annual BBBS Botanical Garden scavenger hunts and do crafts at Paintin’ Pottery.

As the years progressed and Destiny got older, I dusted off my college tennis racket and gave her some tennis lessons which she picked up very quickly. It was also fun to attend Destiny’s school volleyball games and cheer her on as she spiked, served, and worked with her teammates. When she was going on 16, we would attend BBBS career events at NWTC and practice driving for her DMV test. These days, our conversations over lunch are about Destiny starting her senior year in high school and college and career choices.

One of the reasons we were matched was because we were both fairly shy when we were young. It has been an amazing 9 years watching Destiny grow into a confident (and much taller than me!) young woman. The mentor relationship works both ways, and she has inspired me with her artistic talents, cooking techniques, and baking skills. It continues to be a privilege for me to be able to share in Destiny’s dreams and goals for her future, and I am looking forward to what the future holds for her!